Monday, November 19, 2012

The Touch Of A Wolf

David Mernan
Fan Fiction
The Touch Of A Wolf 
       Snowlight, moonlight, a confusion of paw-prints. All silent, all still. Midnight; and the clock strikes. It is Christmas day, the were-wolves' birthday, the door of solstice stands wide open; let them sink through. See! sweet and sound she sleeps in granns bed, between the paws of the tender wolf.
She awakes

       “Hey Little Red Riding Hood why don’t you come with me, that was great and everything but I would like to take you to my neck of the wolves.  Im sorry I meant woods.”
“ I don’t know if that’s a good idea Mr. I’m supposed to wait for my Grandmother here, because I have some things to give her”
“We can come back for those in a few minutes I just live up the hill”
“My father told me never go up the hill because  only bad happens up there and plus there are wolves up there”
“It will be fine Red Riding Hood I will protect you from any danger”
Hugging Little Red Riding Hood and comforting her that everything is going to be alright, she still seems skeptical.  The touch of Little Red Riding Hood is amazing to the wolf. He knows he has to convince her to come up the hill with him to satisfy himself.  She finally gives in only making him promise that they will be back shortly for when her Grandmother returns. 
            Borrowing clothes from her Grandmother, Little Red Riding Hood, and the wolf begin to make their way up the mountain.  The smell of Little Red Riding Hood is more than the wolf can handle.  He wants to break down and eat her right here but knowing her father could come looking and find the remains would not be good.  He would come hunting for one of them and no wolf wants that.
            While walking to where the Wolf supposedly lives they are talking about everything from family to schooling to what they do for fun. The Wolf has never had someone talk to him like this but he also never really gives anyone time before he consumes his victims.  The Wolf was very interested in what she had to say and was also very open to telling Little Red Riding Hood about his life before being a Wolf.  She did not know this but the conversation really had the Wolf reminiscing on his days before his wolf state of being.  The innocence of Little Red Riding Hood really had him going with what was going to happen.  It made him return to his past thinking of what was going to happen.  Remembering his victims gave him a thrill every time.
            Arriving at the wolfs' so-called home was interesting. Little Red Riding Hood was scared but anxious to how her visit here was going to turn out.  Going inside the wolfs' home had such a dark feeling.  Little Red Riding Hood didn’t realize this was the place where many of the wolf’s other victims lives had come to an end.
“Can I get you some tea or anything Little Red Riding Hood”
“No that’s ok I’m alright.  What's that you are doing over there”
In the Kitchen the wolf was putting some things together in an oversized pot. Little Red Riding Hood thought it was suspicious but didn’t think anything of it.
“Just putting together somethings for supper later”
“ Ohh ok that’s alright”
            Remembering what had happened at Grandma’s house the Wolf walked over towards little Red Riding Hood with a seductive smile.  Her pale skin was a turn on to him.  Kissing her neck little Red Riding Hood was skeptical about what was happening. The touch of the wolfs' strong arms and body had done something to her. Little Red Riding Hood found herself being seduced but couldn’t do anything about it.
            Awakening clothes-less for the second time today Little Red Riding Hood was wondering where she was. What just happened to her? Whatever it was she thought it was time to get back to Grandma.  Out gathering some things for his “supper” the Wolf was nowhere to be found right now.  Her clothes were scattered all over so she started dressing getting ready to return to Grandma’s house.  While roaming around the wolfs house she started looking through some of his things.  They were some interesting things that were a little out of the ordinary but Little Red Riding Hood being so young and innocent once again didn’t think anything of it.  She came to a locked chest but the lock was undone.  Obviously something the wolf didn’t want her to see but Little Red Riding Hood could not help herself.  She opened it up and inside were necklaces and clothing items of many other women.  She started going through all of them thinking that something wasn’t right with this.  Finding blood on a clothing item she began to freak out.  What could she have done.  Is the man she is with right now a murderer? “ I need to get out of here right away” she says to herself.  She grabs and handful of necklaces to show the village people what she has discover and continues to rush to the door.
            In a rush Little Red Riding Hood knocks over her chair spilling the tea and other items the wolf was using for his supper.  She opens the door only to find the Wolf making his way down the hill with some ingredients he had gathered.  She panics, shuts the door so the wolf does not see her.  She knows that if she stays she will be the main ingredient in the wolfs' supper.  She rushes to the back window opening it and jumping out.  She hits the hard ground rolling a few times before she comes to a stop.  Getting up she begins to run knowing that the wolf could easily catch her if she waits.  She runs in the direction of her grandmother’s house hoping she can get there before the wolf tracks her down.
              The Wolf returns to his house only to find everything spilled on the floor and Little Red Riding Hood nowhere to be found.  Looking through everything in anger he finds the chest open with the contents unorganized and all over the place. Realizing that she had found them he jumps to his feet. Letting out a howl he runs to the door.  Using his powerful sense of smell takes in a big breath of air sensing that Little Red Riding Hood was not far.  There was something about Little Red Riding Hood that made him want her more than his other victims. 
            Arriving at her Grandmother’s house, she hears the sound of the howl in the distance. Little Red Riding Hood rushes inside slamming the door behind her.  Frantically looking for her Grandmother, she still cannot find her.   Looking in every room and every closet she still cannot find her.  Finally opening the bedroom closet she finds her Grandmother unconscious with a lot of blood covering her body.  She knows the wolf must have been there before.  Sprinting out the door, knowing the wolf must not be far behind.  She runs towards her father’s house crying hysterically at what she had just witnessed. The Wolf not far behind picks up her scent following her every step. 
            Little Red Riding Hoods father comes rushing out of the house hearing the sound of his daughter crying.  She jumps into his arms till crying hysterically.  Her father still trying to figure out what is going on holds her and comforts her.  He can’t make out what she is saying but the few words he does are “wolf” and “grandmothers dead”. Realizing something is really wrong he rushes inside and grabs the shotgun by the door.  He comes back out to bring Little Red Riding Hood inside the house.  Little Red Riding Hood suddenly gets a strange feeling like something was brushing the back of her neck.  Looking back she sees the Wolf staring her down from a distance.  She hears a whispering voice “Until we meet again Little Red Riding Hood” as she makes eye contact with the wolfs big dark scary eyes.


  1. I enjoyed reading this very much! I could feel the thrill, was the wolf going to catch Red or was she going to break free? I think you put this together very nicely!

  2. Your version of Little Red Riding Hood was very good. The element of suspense was well worked throughout the story. Good job.

  3. You are very good at getting into the wolf's head. I'm struck, in fact, by the fact your version of the story restores power to the wolf. I think it may help to revise the beginning so we can see where we're at when it starts; you may even use the end of Carter's story as your beginning. I'll give back your draft, too, with some grammar corrections!

  4. This is really well written, I really enjoyed reading this. I agree that it would help to know where the beginning of the story begins- it would make your story even more enjoyable from the moment it begins to be read. Overall, it was fun to read and kept me entertained - nice job!

  5. “Hey Little Red Riding Hood why don’t you come with me, that was great and everything but I would like to take you to my neck of the wolves. Im sorry I meant woods.”
    I see what you did there, I was cracking up! Anyway, the story was very good, I wasn't expecting it to go as it did. I really liked the ending, it made me want to know if they every meet eachother again!


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