Sunday, November 18, 2012

How The World Was Becoming Destroyed

How The World Was Becoming Destroyed

Created from the short story: How the world was saved by Stanislaw Lem

7 years ago my brother was killed in a war with them Americans. I still have not found justice for him yet, but I think I’ve finally found my way how to ruin their world & get justice for my brother. You see, those Americans over there in those countries never realize what they have, not until they lose it anyways, and I think I found the perfect way to take away everything they have right away from them.

Now you ask how could I possibly take everything they have from them? Well it is easy, you’ll see. I’m putting together a machine that can shut every single piece of technology down over there. Yeah, I bet you never thought I would create something as good as this huh?! If I find a way to take away technology, they would have nothing to live for. Them Americans abuse technology, all they do is over use it, they need to realize what they take for granted these days. I’ll show them. This machine still has some adjusting to do, to get everything right but I am determined I tell ya. It’s only been about 20 years since a personal computer was created for your home, that’s all they had at one point.

Since then, the world of technology has shown no signs of slowing down and practically every device available today is somehow tied to computer technology. They do not deserve technology, and my brother did not deserve to die in that war. Over the last five years, technology has been rapidly changing and expanding in every field imaginable. I could just imagine the faces on them Americans when they can’t wake up in the morning to check their cell phone, or even use it at all, or especially seeing them not able to get on those computers or watch television on those huge TVs. what’s wrong with them anyways? Why do they need all this to survive do they realize the hole they are creating for themselves? I’ll make them realize. Even in schools now, that’s basically all they ever use. Gone are the days where one had to post a letter and wait a week or more for a response and long distance phone calls are unnecessary for anyone with a computer, a webcam, and a speedy Internet connection over there.

Them Americans have it all! Do you remember the last time someone had to read a map to figure out their destination? Neither do I. In automobiles there is even standard GPS built in cars making the days of carrying a map completely unnecessary and improving the peace of mind of anyone who must travel the roads alone or at night. Not to mention that they even have electric cars now. My machine is coming along great, it is almost done. All the love they knew for technology will soon be shut down. I should make a public announcement to my country so they could see this too, they would love it! Them Americans should thank me you know, they shouldn’t be so dependant on technology anyways.

My machine is ready, and so is my country. In a couple of days there world will be destroyed like mine was. It worked! It really worked! It is shutting all there technology down faster then you know it. I cant believe it really worked! My country is in complete joy, so am I. It’s been a week now, they are all devastated. Half of them don’t even have jobs anymore. Their jobs consisted of being on computers or something else dealing with technology. There country completely crashed on them, thanks to me. Now there is no more technology for them at all. They’ll all have to fend for them selves and go back into the early days of having to read from books, and walk everywhere instead of using there cars.

 It’s been 3 weeks and half of their population is nearly dead already. They’ve went crazy! They should figure out how to live without technology, not feign for it and kill over it. This is just what I imagined happening ya know I knew they couldn’t handle something as drastic as this, that’s if it really happened to them. That’s too bad I can't keep it going, if only i could sleep a little longer and dream a little harder.

Thats too bad I just woke up, everything in that dream was going great! Maybe I could really find a way to shut down all their technology one day. They don’t seem to realize that technology has taken a turn for the worse for them as a society anyways, if only they didn’t take technology for granted and over use it. Ahh, Well.. It sure is good to dream.


  1. I really enjoyed reading this.Its amazing how dependant on technology people really have become. The sad part is that many people believe they cannot function without it because it has become a necessity in their lives. I love how you tied this into society today, even though it were a dream if this were to happen people would not know how to function.The best part of this is how you asked questions. While reading this i found myself asking myself all the same questions. I would love to see our world function without technology, but as we all know that would be impossible. Great work!

  2. I agree with the above poster, it’s a shame how so many people have adopted a dependence for technology and have forgotten how it is to live without it. And also how devastated the world would be if technology did crash. I can relate to your story because I cannot read a map and I relay heavily on GPS when traveling . Good Job!!

  3. A fascinating, very modernized perspective, Celestial. You produce a very strong voice in this, and a pretty strong critique of America! Did you read Samantha Hayes' story? It's an update on the Lem story as well, and works nicely with this one. I only have a couple suggestions, including be careful with apostrophes, and I wonder if you could paragraph more??


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