Sunday, November 18, 2012

Taking Responsibilities for Granted?

Created based on the short story: How the World Was Saved (1967) by: Stanislaw Lem
What in this world do you consider to be an important impact on your daily living? How important is making your own choices and having your own responsibilities? What if one day you could no longer do any of your daily activities’? What if there was a machine to all your responsibilities for you? Would it be good, or dangerous? Many would believe it to be a very good thing to have a machine do all your duties/ chores and not have to lift a finger at all.
George was a 35 year old man who lived life alone, with a part time job that he had just applied to and received. He had no friends, family or excitement in his life at all. The first day of work was approaching and he wasn’t sure what really to expect. Walking into his first day at work he did not expect anything less than grouchy people who hated their job, but to his surprise he met a man by the name Jim. Jim had worked at this company now for 10 years. After graduating from college he had begun to start a family, and started a career in construction. It is not what he had gone to college for, but it was money and bills needed to be paid. From that point on Jim and George became the best of pals and every shift George worked, Jim was there by his side. George didn’t have friends like this and for once he was starting to be happy.
Two years later, George has begun to think how this job was pointless, his home was not good enough, and the town in which he lives was not the best to live in. George has become very depressed yet again in his life. George began to think to himself,
“I have not done anything to better myself, or my community. I barely passed high school, and never even thought of college. What am I going to be in life, if I am anything at all?"
The next day at work Jim approached George and asked,
“Hey George! What’s up? Seems like something bothering you, you alright?”
“Man, life just is not what I had expected it to be when I was younger.”
“Well George, sometimes you have to make life how you want it.”
“Whatcha mean Jim?”
“Well if you want excitement make excitement.”
“You mean like go out, do something, and make something?” George replied.
“Yeah man, go do whatever you want to do that will make you happy while occupying your time.”
“Alright Jim, thanks! If you don’t mind, I have to go do something, see ya later!”
George scurried off in a hurry, leaving Jim no chance to say bye, but Jim just laughed and knew George was up to something. George had hurried all the way home to sit in his kitchen and think of something that he could make, that would take a while to make, be fun making, and possibly help him after its made. George suddenly jumped away from the table, and ran to the shed. He began to throw together different parts that he had laying around in his shed, hoping that after it would be a masterpiece that he could show the world!
A few weeks had passed and Jim had not heard from George at all, and it was not likely for him to miss so much work. Jim decided to stop by Georges home to see if everything was alright. While approaching the house, all he heard were power tools and hammers and George saying,
“Yes! That’s it! Almost finished!”
“George!? George ya there!?” yelled Jim
“Back here Jim! Come on back!”
Jim walked back to the yard scared of what he might have gotten himself into, “what’s up pal, where have you been? I missed you at work.”
“Oh Jim, you are just the person I wanna see! Look, look, I made something and I want you to be the first to see, I have been too busy doing work here, I couldn’t do work there!”
“Work? Here? Doing what George?”
“Well Jim, ya know how you told me I had to find something to do or make to make my life more exciting!?”
“Ya George, go on.” Replied Jim as he started to chuckle under his breath.
“Well, look! I made something, and not just anything, the best thing in the universe!” George threw his hands up and said “Jim meet Robo!!!”
George began to laugh as he replied, “Cool George, What is Robo? What does it do?”
“What does it do you ask? You just sit back and watch, I’ll show you what Robo does.”
They both stood back in amazement as George told Robo to “throw the trash away” followed by “put the tools away”, and “close the windows” Jim was so amazed, he saw this wonderful creation that could do all his chores for him!
“Hey man, ya think I can take this home and borrow it?”
“I am so glad you asked! Keep it for a few weeks while I get supplies to make another one, this thing could be the best invention ever!” George said with so much excitement.
Jim was so happy that he was able to borrow this wonderful creation that his best friend made. He thought to himself the entire way home about how he will never have to lift a finger again except at work of course. He now no longer had to do laundry, dishes, take out the trash, nothing. He and family could finally be able to have family nights while Robo did all the chores for them.
Three days later at work Jim came in full of excitement ranting on and on about how they had a great weekend spending time together as a family and how Robo did all the house work for them, Robo even made them breakfast before work and school. George was so glad to hear the positive feedback about Robo, and couldn’t wait to get home to put Robo2 together.
The next week Jim came into work, looking very exhausted, and irritated. “What’s wrong Jim!?” George said.
“George you have to take Robo back, it’s been nothing but making my family lazy, and irresponsible. My kids no longer do anything I tell them to, they just have Robo do it. My wife and I have been fighting over this because neither one of us does anything in the house nor Robo doesn’t do things to her standards. It was nice to have for a little bit, but nothing we as a family could ever rely on.” Jim began to get very angry just thinking about it.
“So I take it you don’t recommend Robo for everyone?” George said hesitantly, seeing the look upon Jims face.”
“Not for normal people who are capable of doing things on their own, maybe for the elderly, or disabled. But not for young, normal, energized human beings.”
George seemed a bit upset from his response, but Jim didn’t seem to care, he simply gave Robo back and replied, “If it does no good, then destroy him.”
“Jim how could you say destroy such an amazing creation? Maybe this is great for people like me, people who are lonely and have no life. Maybe I can use Robo and be perfectly fine, I wouldn’t have to worry about standards, or if it’s done the right or wrong way, as long as it gets done and I don’t have to do it I will be happy! This is the end of our conversation Jim, have a good one!” George began to stomp away in anger towards his friend, but Jim did not know how to explain to him that this machine just is not the best for people who are capable of making their own choices and taking care of their own responsibilities. Later that day while they went to clock out of work, Jim asked George if he was still mad, George replied, “This could be the best and you are turning it away.”
“George it could be the worst, it could be bad for you as an individual and for your health. All this invention promotes is laziness.”
“Ok Jim, I will find out for myself.” George walked away from Jim not wanting to hear another word from him. He didn’t want to hear negative about the best creation in the world that was made by him. A few weeks have passed by, and George would not answer Jims calls, or the door when he would stop by. Jim had decided to just give him space and hopefully soon he will see his friend again.
With Jim changing his schedule at work, he never sees George. Four months have passed since Jim and George’s disagreement and Jim just doesn’t know what to do anymore. Jim had gone into the grocery store one late night after work and as he was shopping he noticed an obese gentleman slowly scrolling down the aisles. It had appeared to Jim that this gentleman was having difficulties but as he approached him he saw what appeared to be Robo in front of this guy’s electronic chair. Jim then hears
“Grab one box of stuffing from the third shelf and two cans of corn from the third shelf.”
“George? Is that you?” Jim says, as the gentleman slowly turns his head.
“Yeah, it’s me. What do you want?” George replied rudely.
“Oh my what has happened to you George, you look, you look, well you look…”
“I look fat! I look lazy? Huh! Is that what you are going to say Jim, well you were right, this is what a machine that does it all FOR you, does TO you!”
“George I am terribly sorry I wish I could help, is there anything, and I mean anything I could do for you!?”
“Jim there’s nothing anyone can do, I’ve done this to myself, and I am going to live with it till the day I die! Now if you shall go about doing what you were doing and just leave me and Robo to finish our shopping!” George scolded Jim as he scrolled his way to the checkouts.
Jim was in shock. “What has happened to my friend in whom I was so close with?” “What to do to help?” Jim became very upset and just did not know what to do, he didn’t even get the chance to say good bye to his best friend.
Two weeks had come and gone and every trip Jim had taken to the store, he had hoped that he would see George again, but still nothing. Jim had gone into work, it was a Monday, and he was called into the boss’ office. Jim thought to himself “Why am I getting called into the boss’ office? I’ve never done anything wrong to be called into there? “As Jim walked into the office, his boss handed him an envelope that read “my one and only friend.” Jim in shock knew that this letter was from George. Jim opened the letter and this is how it read:
Dear Jim,
If you are reading this letter, it means I have passed away. My life was long and lonely but these past 6 years of my life have been the best. I had the bestest friend in the world who stood by my side through every decision I had made. I remember those days where you stood on my porch knocking, calling my name, but I was so afraid to admit that you were right and I was wrong that I kept the door shut and the blinds closed. If it were not for you and your honesty on my invention I would not have realized that I take life for granted. I take my mobility, my voice, and my body for granted every day. With that being said, I would like for you to do me a favor. Please take Robo to any place in which you think would be able to help those who need help. Also take them the pictures and directions that I have wrote on how to invent them. I want to know that my invention went to a good use like you said, instead of being used to promote laziness like I used it. I want people who cannot live life with mobility and responsibilities to be able to. Also I want to thank you. I want to thank you for being the best friend I never had. I know now, even though it is too late, that I had everything I needed in life and needed nothing more. But like most people, I have taken that for granted and didn’t know what I had till I didn’t have it anymore.
Yours truly,
Jim sat in amazement that George was even gone. But he knew one thing, from now on Robo will be used for those who cannot do for themselves. That day he left work early and dropped off Robo and the blue prints off at a local nursery home, and with that he left many individuals the ability to do what they were not able to for a very long time.


  1. I really enjoyed reading this story. What i enjoyed was how you showed how life would be with this "robo" around for people, and i believe that it wouldnt better anyone who wanted to use it because they are simply just lazy, but how at the end of the story you decide to put "robo" to a good purpose and use him for those who cant do for themselves. It would be a great invention if it could really happen,lol. and would be great for those such as the disabled, great ideas Sam :)

  2. This was an interesting story. I like how the negitive effects of Robo were shown before the positive effects. It proved that in order to get to the good things in life one must overcome obsticles. The letter George wrote to Jim was really heartfelt and emotional. It explained why George was treating Jim the way he did, even though George had no family or friends for the longest time,

  3. I really liked reading this one. Especially because it is true and this is what people would become if an invention like this was ever created. Very original story with really morals in it

  4. This story definitely kept and held my attention throughout the entire thing. I really liked the title and felt that it perfectly represents the story and what I got from the story and that’s, that even though chores seem to be a burden there are people in this world that would kill be to be able to carry out simple tasks like taking out the garbage or cooking. Good job Sam!

  5. What an interesting way to update "How The World Was Saved"! After a bumpy opening (see my notes on hard copy), I found it to be very readable, and like your readers above, I thought it had a very effective moral dimension. Nice job.


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