Monday, November 19, 2012

Here today gone tomorrow

Here today gone tomorrow

Modern Fan fiction: based on short story “How The World Was Saved” by Stanislaw Lem

Kevin, middle aged man who was seen as a philosopher by many for his constant questioning of society and the world for the way human beings lived their life. His best friend Tyler was a well-known contractor that thrived on inventing new technology that would somehow change the world for the better and would keep his name in lights and to remain known as a very successful man.  They often debated over priorities and saw the way of the world from two completely different views. Kevin always felt that growing technology to him was damaging the world more so than helping it and as each new generation grows and a new generation follows they would become more and more materialistic and less realistic. Tyler was the exact opposite in the sense that new technology was the way of the world and with money and power you would live happier. They would often spend afternoons on a mountain side, Kevin reading a book and Tyler developing his next great prototype arguing over the meaning of life 
Kevin: what are you working on Tyler?
Tyler: I can’t say much until it’s complete but life from this machine on will be much easier. This machine will lead to even greater machines that will eventually make everyday life like a day at the beach.
Kevin: how could a machine make life that much easier?
Tyler: Just come over tomorrow and check it out and I’ll prove to you how this advancement will be the single greatest thing to happen to this world.

Kevin went home that night and pondered what would happen if something so essential to life wasn’t there one day and all the reliance on technology would soon mean nothing for survival. If the world could be inhabited millions of years ago without this technology what’s the big need for dependence on it now. Would human beings even know how to survive on their own without grabbing a cell phone and googleing answers? He eventually fell asleep and dreamt that all technology in the world didn’t function. Everyone woke up one morning to no electricity and had to learn to survive on just the knowledge they had.  The morning came and he was anxious to see the next greatest thing that Tyler had created but still couldn’t shake the thought of his dream of what would happen to the world with no technology. He made it to Tyler’s secret lab underground at his home and instantly demanded to see what had been created.

Kevin: okay. Where is it?
Tyler: first I need to explain what it is. This machine can control the solar system from the temperature from the sun, to when the sun shines, to what kind of weather I want for the day. For example today’s weather forecast is calling for not a single cloud in the sky with zero percent chance of rain. Now look outside and tell me what you see
Kevin: it’s pouring and it was just completely sunny only minutes ago. But I’m not convinced that was your machine that changed the weather.
Tyler: fair enough. If you could choose the act of weather for the next 10 minutes what would you want it to do?
Kevin: I want it to snow. But since it was just 75 degrees I don’t think it’s going to happen.
Tyler: it’s snowing right now.
Both move towards the window to look outside and see nothing but snowflakes falling from the sky. Taken back from amazement, Kevin stands speechless
                Kevin: that’s a serious machine, how does it work?
                Tyler: that’s a secret that nobody can know but it’s the greatest advancement in technology and it’s completely fail proof.
                Kevin: what else can this thing do?
                Tyler: it can do whatever you want it do that has to do with weather and the solar system.
                Kevin: that’s dangerous Tyler. Not only are you messing with millions of years of evolution but if something were to happen to that machine the entire world would be in danger.
                Tyler: trust me. There is nothing to worry about.
The two began to discuss the pros and cons on how the world would be with this new technology and just as they were going to turn the machine off the sun went black. The entire world was surrounded by darkness and instantly began to drop slightly in temperature.
                Kevin: what did you do? That’s not funny Tyler. The sun is more important than anything
                Tyler: I didn’t do anything and now the machine is stuck and won’t work. I don’t know how to fix this.
                Kevin: we have to do something! The entire world depends on this
                Tyler: You cannot tell a single soul about this. I’m getting out of here.
They both left the machine and ran outside to find friends and neighbors standing outside wondering what happened to the sun. They acted as if they had no idea and hoped this was all a bad dream. Within days the entire world began to freeze over. Nearly half of the world’s population had died and the other half was soon next. Eventually the entire population of the world was dead and all because of a malfunction in technology.


  1. Reading this made me think of how people constantly complain about the weather. Most people do not know how lucky they are to experience 4 seasons, and this story shows that in an amazing way! You provided great details throughout the story. Great work!

  2. I like your title, it goes well with your story. I liked how you provided details and i could picture the weather changing. You did a good job :)

  3. I agree, your title is very fitting for your story. Your story is excellent depiction of how there are just some things that should not be toyed with and shows how technological advancement just for the sake of technological advancement could ultimately destroy us all.

  4. I loved this story! I love all four seasons and loved how I could imagine them while I was reading your story. Very good job! I would agree with the above comments on your title as well :)

  5. I thought that this story was really good and also agree that the title worked really well. I loved that you talked about the four seasons in here too, I personally love the four seasons and found it really cool you found a way to show how each season was special.

  6. I really liked this story Mat. After reading your story it kind of made me think of how technology truly is starting to become a huge part in our everyday lives, and that scares me. The title really worked well with the story. Overall I think you did awesome, good job!

  7. I'm fascinated not only by the story, but also by your peers' comments. I, too, think this is a fascinating take on the Lem story, and really enjoy the twist you play on the technology theme. I wonder if you classmates are a little confused by the fact you write your dialogue as if this were a play ~ ~ you may be able to make it work this way, though you may also want to consider revising the dialogue into the style typical of a story.


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