Monday, November 19, 2012

The Flinkville Mystery

                                                                     The Flinkville Mystery

           My name is Makayla, I’m 18, I lived in Flinkville my entire life, up to last year, and yes I was sick of it. My house sucked, my high school sucked, the people sucked and the food sucked so yeah I’m glad I left.  Now I find myself happy in New York City with an amazing man named Logan but our journey here wasn’t exactly easy. In order for you to understand everything I must start from the very beginning.
            Flinkville is a small town where everyone knows everyone. The town was surrounded by miles of forest in every direction and only had one road in or out. It was rare for anyone to leave or to come in, except when there was a delivery once a month. It’s not exactly easy to keep secrets in a place where the population barely exceeds 500, so everyone knew each other’s business which was not exactly my cup of tea. Ever since I was a little girl there were rumors about werewolves; they were never proven but people still believed them. People would go missing a lot and everyone always started out thinking they wandered into the woods and couldn’t find their way back then it turned into a crazy story about a werewolf attack. I’m pretty sure the story of little riding hood originated from this town. The missing would come back a week or two later in the same clothes they were in when they left and wouldn’t remember anything about where they were. Amnesia they said….yeah right.
            At this point of my life I was 17, and didn’t give a flying flapjack about anything or anyone except my school work. I didn’t have any friends, but I was a straight A student and was always top in my class. So what if the class was only 20 people, I was still excited every time. However, outside of school I was annoyed with life because people thought I was so stupid. For example, apparently I wasn’t supposed to know I was adopted when I looked nothing like anyone in my family and they treated me like the family pet, yep real subtle. Every day was the same, get up, go to school, do homework while chilling in the woods, go home, sleep and repeat. The woods were forbidden but I would go into them anyway and I even had a pimped out tree house in there. Don’t worry, I never went too far, I’m not that much of an daredevil.
            My school was on the very outskirts of town so it very close the woods and you could almost touch the trees if you reached out the windows.  One day my routine changed and then my entire life changed soon afterward.  It started when I was sitting in class waiting for everyone to finish their class work.  I decided to look out the window and think about stuff. I thought about my wannabe family, the stupid town and how much I couldn’t wait to get out of it.  Then all of a sudden I saw a creature run out of the woods, stop, look around as if it was lost, and run back in. The creature looked a lot like a dog but I know it wasn’t a dog, it was bigger and scarier and last time I checked dogs didn’t have red eyes. I was obviously scared and jumped in my seat so everyone looked at me and started talking their usually crap.
            Because I couldn’t stop thinking about what happened, after school I went to the spot where I saw the creature. I don’t know what I was expecting to find but I looked around like a detective only to find a couple paw prints on the ground. These weren’t ordinary paw prints, they were huge and you can see the holes from the claws in front of them. Being the insane person I am, I decided to be a nosey person and go into the woods in search of answers. These parts of the woods were very unfamiliar for me so I was extremely scared I was going to get lost but I continued walking. Soon I came across a man dressed in a jean jacket, ripped up jeans and tee, muddy boots and was holding an axe. I stood watching him from behind a tree, he was pacing back and forth and occasionally looking into a big hole. After he paced for a good 10 min he walked away and gave the hole a very mean look. Yep I know what you’re thinking, my curiosity got the best of me and I looked in the hole. I slowly got out from behind the tree and crawled over to the hole, peaked my head over it, what I saw gave me the chills and I have never been able to get the sight out of my head. It was a passed out boy with his hands and feet tied together and covered in blood. Not thinking, immediately I jumped into the hole to untie him. I untied him and he still didn’t wake up and I wasn’t about to leave him there. I put dirt into the hole and made a hill so it would be easier to drag him out. It took a while, but I dragged him out and carried him out of the woods. Now it was about 8:30 at night and everyone was sleeping, so I took him to my house. I put him in the bath tub considering he was covered in dirt and blood. I got together some old blankets and set them up on the floor and went back to the bathroom. I cleaned his face with a washcloth and only discovered one cut above his eye so I figured most of the blood wasn’t his. This was the first time I actually took a good look at him. He had light skin and short brown hair. He was wearing a black leather jacket, black shirt, jeans and black work boots. I bandaged his cut and brought him to my room placed him on the blankets and sat down across from him. I tried to stay up and wait for him to wake up but I fell asleep, after all I did just carry a boy over half my size for a good hour.
            The next day a loud noise woke me up, it was the boy trying to run out of my room only to trip over the blankets and fall. I quickly got up, ran and stood in front of the door and said “Calm down! You’re safe!”
He got up, looked extremely confused, backed up and asked “Who the hell are you and how did I get here?”
“I’m Makayla and I took you from that hole and brought you to my house.”
“Why would you do that?
“Well i-“
He cut me off and asked “Wait how the hell did a little girl like you carry me?”
A little annoyed I said “I’m not a little girl!”
“Yeah, sure, what are you, 12? Anyway I need to go so if you don’t mind.” He made a hand gesture for me to move out the way.
“Excuse me? I’m 17 and I saved your ass! The least you can say is thank you!”
He rolled his eyes “I didn’t need your help. You could have gotten yourself killed. As far as I’m concerned you’re an idiot.”
I took a dramatic pause and then went up to his face and with a louder voice said “Oh I’m the idiot but you’re the one who was stupid enough to get put into a hole?”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about so why don’t you take your little girl self and move out of my way.”
“Why don’t you just tell me what happened so I can have an idea? You think you’re all tough but I saved you and that’s that so stop being an ass and start talking to me!”
He stared at me, took a deep breath. “You said your name was Makayla?”
“Yep that’s me and your name is….”
“Well okay nice to meet you Logan” I said sarcastically “how did you get into that hole?”
He smiled “Someone put me there.”
I rolled my eyes and said “seriously!”
He sat down on the blankets, took another deep breath. “Let’s just say some people misunderstand me and things got out of hand”
I sat down too and said “You think?”
He chuckled “yeah.” He looked into my eyes for a couple seconds and my heart skipped a beat.
I looked away from him and asked him “why don’t you get cleaned up?”
He stood up “I don’t wanna take any more of your time, i'll just get out of your hair.”
I pulled him down and looked him straight in the eyes and said “Forget what I just said. You’re going to go take a shower and I’m going to put your clothes in the washer and there is no if ands or buts about it so follow me” I began to walk out of the room, noticed he wasn’t following me so I asked him “Are you coming? He smiled, got up and followed me.  My mom was at work, I never had a dad and my older brother was at his girl friend’s house so there was no reason to be quiet. So we got to the bathroom, pointed to it and I told him “Undress and throw your clothes out here, there’s a towel in the closet in there, try to take long so your clothes will be done when you get out.”
“Alright thanks.” he said with a slight smile and walked into the bathroom. I stood outside the door waiting for him to throw out his clothes, he did so and I took them to the washer along with the blankets he slept on.  When the clothes finished I neatly folded them and brought them to Logan who had just turned off the water.
I screamed to him “Your clothes are done! I’ll leave them outside the door for you. Come to my room when you’re done!”
“Okay!” he screamed
“You could say thank you” I thought to myself and walked away.  I sat on my bed and waited a good 10 minutes waiting for Logan to come to my room.
He walked in holding his leather jacket and said “hey” I just stared at him. He cleaned up well, and boy was he muscular!
“H-hey… how was the shower?” I said stuttering a bit.
“It was good.” he walked over and sat next to me “Thank you.”
I smiled “Your welcome” paused for a second “So where do you live? I know you can’t live here because I would have seen you before.”
“Let’s just say I live close.”
“Ugh! Why do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Avoid answering the question.”
“You wouldn’t like the answers.”
“Well I still wanna know them. Come on please” I said while giving him the puppy face.
He chuckled “I wish I could.”

 He looked away “I really should get going.”
“Are you going to be okay?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean am I going to find you in a hole again?”
He rolled his eyes and said “no, I’ll be fine” he stood up and made his way to his door.  He reached for the door knob but stopped, looked back and said “Thank you for saving me, I probably would have been killed if it wasn’t for you.”
I smiled and said “My pleasure”
He opened the door and while walking away he said “But you should really learn to mind your own business”. Did he really have to ruin the moment, he couldn’t just say thank you and that’s it? Talk about putting up walls, geez. I spent that entire day thinking about Logan. How adorable he was, how mysterious he was, and how much I was worried he was going to get into trouble. I wondered where he lived, where he went after he left my house and if I would ever see him again. Two weeks went by and I still thought about him all the time so I decided I would look for him. I figured a good place to start would where I found him so Friday after school I entered the woods from the same spot. I must have walked around for hours, I was extremely tired, it was getting dark and yes I was lost.
            I began to scream “Help! Is anyone out here? Hel-“ someone covered my mouth from behind. I turn around quickly only to find out it was Logan.
“What are you doing out here?”
“Looking for you.”
“I left for a reason Makayla, you’re going to get hurt being around me.” he looked around then back at me “Go home.”
“Why are you being so stubborn?!”
“Why can’t you just tell me why you’re always out here?”
“I can’t!” he grabbed my arm “Come on I’m bringing you home!”
“No! I’m not going home all I do at home is think about you!”

I pulled away, rolled my eyes and said “I’m sorry, I just realized how crazy and stupid I sound. I’m just uhm gunna go…home…” I started to walk in the opposite direction.
 I walked for a few seconds but then I heard Logan say “I think about you too” I stop walking, didn’t turn around or say a word. He continued “I don’t know what’s wrong with me I think about you all the time. I just wanna be around you.”  He began walking slowly toward me. “I walked to you house the other day but decided not to go in because I know we are not a good idea. You would only get hurt and I don’t want to see you get hurt but I still want you. Then you come here and put yourself in danger and for what? Me? Do you have any idea how I would feel if something would happen to you? We can’t do this Makayla” he backed up a lot and said “Just go home”
I turned around “Go home to what? There’s nothing there for me! I don’t want home I want you! You stupid freaking idiot!”   I walk over to him “I don’t care if I get hurt, I just wanna be with you.”
His eyes started to water “you say that now but when you find out the truth you’re going to go home as quick as possible.”
All of a sudden there was a group of men holding axes and knives screaming “There he is! Get him!”
Logan looked at me with fear in his eyes “Run!”
“What about you? You must be insane if you think –“I was cut off by the most passionate kiss in the history of all mankind.
He pulled away and said “I’m sorry.” He then pushed me on the ground and right before my eyes he screamed and transformed into the creature I saw. He growled and jumped over me and fought off the army of men. Then I heard howling from every direction and all of a sudden more creatures came out and helped Logan in the fight. One creature came up to me, stared at me and then bowed down as if it was telling me to get on its back. I looked at Logan and back at the creature and went on its back. It ran off very fast. It ran until it got to a big tree. It bowed down once again so I got off. It walked over to the tree and pulled a bush away from the tree revealing a hole. The creature looked at me and then the hole.
 I looked at it and said “Oh hell no! You must me loony if you think I’m going to go in there!” then the creature let out loud growl. “Okay okay I’m going” I walked over to the hole and jumped in and landed in a pile of leaves. The creature must have covered the hole up because the light from it was gone but there was still light from somewhere else coming in. I took a look around, it was a house. Right now I was in the living room, there were couches, television, and a table. I walked to the kitchen, it was normal, a stove, microwave and fridge. How they have electricity underground still escapes me. I waited on the couch for anyone or thing to come in. as I sat there you can only imagine the things going through my mind. It kind went like this, “What the flapjacks is going on?!” over and over again. After waiting for a while, the hole opened back up and a line of the creatures walked by me. They all let out growls and transformed into humans. I look through the crowd for Logan but don’t see him. “Where’s Logan?”
A teenage boy laughed and said “Getting yelled at.”
“Ken this is not funny” a women said as she walked toward me. “Hello honey I’m Penny, Logan’s older sister. Come with me and I’ll explain everything.” she walked to the kitchen and sat at the dining table. “Logan tells me you saved his life?”
“Yeah about two weeks ago.”
“Well I thank you for that. So let’s see where should I begin?”
“Possibly with what you guys are?”
She chuckled “Werewolves silly.”
“So they are real!”
“Yes very” she smiles “But we aren’t quite like the story’s make us out to be. We don’t change only on a full moon and we don’t kill for the hell of it. We change on command and when we get overly angry. All those stories about werewolves attacks are simply people being ignorant. They have no idea that the men you saw before are the ones taking them, using them for experiments then erasing their memory.”
“What kind of experiments?”
“Stupid ones that involve our blood. Anyway, a long time ago your town mayor made a pact with us that stated as long as we stayed in the woods and didn’t harm anyone then we would not be hunted. Then about two years ago they decided to break the pact, attack us and kill me and Logan’s parents in the midst. We scared them off but, every since, they have tried to kill us one by one. Hence why you found Logan in a hole and why we were just attacked."
“Why don’t you guys move somewhere else? You blend in just fine so you can go anywhere.”
“Believe me we have tried it multiple times but we always end up running into the hunters.”
“Makayla! Where are you!?” Logan yelled from the other room
“Logan!” I screamed and ran to him.
                 “You stayed.” he said confused.
“Yeah duh, I wasn’t about to leave without knowing you were okay.”
“So you not freaked out?”
He smiled and kissed my forehead “You’re amazing,” we spent the night talking about ways to get him and the other werewolves out of the woods and somewhere safe. We came up with the plan for me to distract the town by making a scene.
 After my graduation day I ripped up my gown and started screaming all over town “The werewolves attacked me!” and I directed them to the furthest part of the woods from the road out of town. Every one made it out okay and started walking to their new lives.
Logan waited for me at the road. I went to go meet him while everyone was on the werewolf hunt. There he was in standing there in his leather jacket looking amazing. I walked up to him ask asked “Are you ready?”
He put his hand on my face, kissed me and said “Now I am” he then backed up and changed into a werewolf. I went on his back and we he ran off into the night.


  1. I absolutely loved your story! It was filled with suspense that captivated me edging me on to the end. I like how you showed an opposing side to the typical aggressive nature most people including myself portray. By far one of the best stories I've read in a long time!

  2. Very strong narrative voice, with equally good dialogue. A fun read, too. I have a couple style and grammar suggestions on the paper copy of this story, but overall, it's quite good! I also really like the left justified margin!

  3. Awesome story! It kept me wanting to read for once in my life. I liked the detail in the narration of your story. Good Job!


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