Monday, November 19, 2012

Little Red Rest Stop

Little Red Rest Stop

By: Brandon Cox

“Grandma, I’m glad you are okay!” Little red riding hood said.

Grandma replies, “I’m glad to see that you are okay too! I was worried we’d die in there.”

“Let’s get out of here Grandma, You know what they say, wolfs don’t travel alone.” Little Red said.

They decide to get out of the Grandma’s house and flea to the big apple which is only a 6 hour drive.  They hop in the car which Grandma hasn’t touched in years because she always had a lovely granddaughter bringing her supplies.

“Grandma, you do know how to drive, right?” Little Red said worried.

“Yes darling, of course I do. Out of the two of us I am the one with the driver’s license.” Grandma exclaimed.

            They are in such a rush to leave from being frightened for their life. They don’t know where the wolves may be hiding so in a frantic rush they don’t pack the necessities they may need for this long of a trip. Although, with Grandma not touching her car in years, she doesn’t realize that the wolves have made a home in the trunk of her car.

“How long is this trip going to be?” Little Red asks.

“Long enough for you to feel safe and not worry about wolves being around us.” Grandma says encouragingly.

“I have to get gas in a couple hours anyways. This car is a gas hog. When we stop to get gas, we’ll get food from McDonalds too.” Grandma states.

“I love McDonalds Grandma!” Little Red says excited.

“You have to eat healthy though, I can’t have your mom yelling at me for letting you eat all those fatty foods.” Grandma says.

“Grandma, I don’t see mom around us, So as long as you don’t say anything I won’t either.” Little Red says in hopes of getting to eat the good un-healthy food.
As the women drive on, the wolf ponders in his head the plan of action he is going to take to get revenge on them for killing his mom.

"Muahahahahaaa as soon as they stop, they won't even suspect a thing. As soon as they turn their backs they are mine. They have no chance. Once and for all. I will get revenge for my mother. Nobody kills my mother and gets away with it. We have taken over her car, next will be that lovely home that she desires oh so much. Muahahahahaaaa."

Now getting back to the women. Little Red is beyond bored with Grandma playing her cassettes with music on it that can date back to the 1930's. Little Red with the boredness that overwhelms her decides she is just going to sleep until she has to get up at the rest stop for gas and food. On the good side Grandma playing the music takes her mind off of just about being killed by a wolf and feels a safer and safer the further away she gets from her house.

As they travel along the closer and closer they get to the rest stop, the more anxtious the wolf in the trunk gets, and the safer Grandma feels. Grandma has to tap on the breaks kind of quickly when a deer pops up on the highway in front of her. With the sudden jolt of motion it wakes up Little Red from the deep sleep she encountered for roughly two hours.

"Grandma, what was that?" Little Red said shocked.

"Oh honey, That was just a deer, don't worry at all. We are fine." Grandma explained.

"Why was it on the highway?" Little Red questioned.

"It wasn't trying to get away from a hunter that was trying to kill it for it's meat." Grandma still explaining.

"Why would someone ever want to kill something if it hasn't done any harm to them?" Little Red said confused.

"Some people just feel the need of having that power, and feeling that sensation of killing something." Grandma said with a little attitude because she is just bothered by Little Red asking all this.

"That hunter won't go after us though would he?" Little Red continued to question.

"No Little Red, Him and us are all humans and if humans did that to someone that'd be murder and you can get in very big trouble for that." Grandma said with quite an attitude as in hopes for Little  Red to stop asking questions.

"It's good to know that he can't harm us without him harming himself. Is that the rest stop up ahead?"
Little Red again asks another question not realizing how annoyed Grandma is right now.

"Yes, yes it is. Get your coat on, it's a little chilly outside and I can't have you catching a cold while your with me, your mom would just flip!" Grandma says with all her might to shut her up.

"Alright Grandma, Can do." Little Red stated.

As they pull in to the rest stop, Grandma decides that the sounds in her stomach are more important to take care of than getting gas. She figures her car can wait for her to be full. They pull in and they find a parking spot in the middle of two semi's and she thinks that nothing will happen to her vehicle while it's parked there while her car is facing away from the building. On the downside when she gets out of the car she has to bend over to tie her shoe. It strangely untied itself while she was driving.

As she was bent over tying her shoe, that gave a window for the wolf hiding in the back to sneak out. And him seeing that chance he took it and out he went. Grandma didn't even notice. The wolf ran and hid behind the car and waited for the chance to pounce. As soon as he heard both car doors shut he knew it was time and just had to wait. With the wolf not making a peep, both grandma and Little Red pass the wolf without acknowledging that he was even there. And the wolf takes his chance and pounces on Grandma once and for all to take out the stronger out of the both of them. In a panic, Little Red tries to help her Grandma but is too weak to do any help. Grandma is swallowed whole by the wolf and with Little Red right there trying to fight him off, makes it much easier for the wolf to grab her and eat her too. And that's exactly what he did. He grabbed her and ate her whole too.

After he makes sure that they are both nice and digested in his stomach, he hops back into the vehicle, goes over and gets gas with the money that Grandma was going to use for food, and drives back to her house where he met up with the rest of his family. They are overwhelmed at the success that he had and they lived happily ever after in what use to be called "Grandma's House".

Picture from-


  1. Wow, that's pretty imaginative, Brandon! Love the title, and the unique approach to the story.

    There are spelling errors in here you might want to fix, and please be aware of where your verb tense switched from past to present. You may want to keep it in the past. Also, I personally would advice that you make that last paragraph sharper; since there's so much going on in it, you may want to make it more than one paragraph, so the reader can keep the action clear.

  2. I like the title and your story was interesting. Good Job!

  3. Excellent Story! I love how you modernized the tale and brought a little bit of humor to an otherwise grim tale. I love how they just hop into a car that still magically works and has gas in it after so many years, without noticing the wolves had managed to sneak a ride with them in the trunk. I also love how concerned the grandmother is about what Little Red's mother will think when they left her behind to die! Great Job!

  4. I really liked your story it was very amusing to me especially with the little twist and modern ideas like stoping at McDonalds. I like also how smart the wolves in this story are.

  5. WOW! Great job on your story. I think you did an awesome job. It was a really interesting story and kept me wanting to read more and more.

  6. Great job! I like the Creativity


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