Sunday, November 18, 2012

Don't Look Back

Don’t Look Back
By: Kara Craig
          Many people don’t understand the struggles I’ve been through. I’m just a small town girl who has had the most complicated childhood of them all. My parents abandoned me when I was 4, and went off to live a dream life in Italy, while my grandmother was the only one present in my entire life so far. She has never forgiven my parents for what they had done to me and quite frankly I never have either. If I had the choice though I wouldn't want to have been raised by anyone but my grandmother. She has taught me everything I know, and has acted as a mom and dad figure to me. It’s crazy how just one person can have such a huge impact on your life. I do everything and anything for my grandmother, especially during the winter time because she can’t go out as much because of the cold, snowy days. Recently I had met an old man that live a few acres down from where my grandmother and I live, he seems very nice and always asks if I need any help carrying the baskets of food. I just recently found out that his name in Earl. He’s very short with white hair and long beard! Kind of like Santa if you ask me.
          “Looks heavy darling! Let me help you” said Earl
          “I got it Earl, but thank you!”
          “How’s your day going? You look very tired” I said
          “Oh yes my dear very long day so far, past my nap time in fact” said Earl
          “Well lucky you! Enjoy that nap, I’ll be on my way now, wouldn’t want grandmother to worry” I told Earl
          Finally when I arrived home with grandmother’s basket of food, she had asked me
          “Sweetie is everything okay lately?”
          “Of course grandma, what would be the matter?” I said confused
          “Just making sure is all my dear!” said grandmother
          That was suspicious to me; I don’t know why she would be asking me this out of random. Did she may see me talking to the old man? But how? She wouldn’t be outside. I just can’t seem to figure it out, but ill just let it slide I suppose. What if she put a hidden camera in the basket! That could be an idea, but would she really not trust me? Or is she doing it for protection because he’s harmful. Oh my! Well then my plan tomorrow is to try to see if he’s harmful or not, I’ll show grandmother I’m very responsible and so she can see I know how to deal with strangers. So the next day finally rolled around and it was time for me to go off and get grandmothers food, I kissed her an extra two times before I left and told her I love you. Off I went and today I felt a little more scared than usual. I was approaching his house and I saw him nowhere in sight, which I found very odd because he is out every day at this time. I began to worry even more, and wonder what could be happening. I tried to stay positive and just think that he was inside taking an early nap or feeding his animals. I began on my way, moving fast towards grandmothers. As I approached his house even closer I heard banging, very loud obnoxious banging. I couldn’t understand what was going on or where the banging was coming from. I slowly but carefully walked up to the living room window and yelled
          “Earl? Are you there, it’s me!” I pronounced
          But I heard nothing in reply but more banging. I thought to myself what if he’s hurt? I slowly walked over to the door and began to knock. No answer, just more banging. That’s it, I’m going in is what I thought to myself. But what if I get myself into a lot of danger? I’m doing it anyways I thought to myself, and in I went. The door creaked open as if I was in a scary movie. I gripped onto the basket so hard, and my hands were sweating so profusely. I carefully walked to the basement door where the banging was coming from. I saw that the door had bolts on it, that’s when I wanted to scream and shout.
          “Hello? Anyone down there” I said
          BANG BANG BANG is all I heard. I unbolted the bolts and unwillingly opened the door a crack, as soon as I did out popped a body. It was Earl, his mouth was duck taped! I screamed and grabbed his hand, I ripped off the tape and as soon as I did he yelled
          I bolted so fast out of that house, with Earl straight behind me. We ran all the way to grandmothers. We pushed through her door like there were a pack of wolves behind us. Grandmother was completely frightened and asked what was going on. We locked all the doors and windows, so we were trapped inside. Once we caught our breathe I asked Earl what has happened.
          “The wolves! They got my son; they turned him into one of them. He trapped me downstairs, they were going to kill me.” Explained Earl very panicked
          “Grandmother what are we going to do? How do we get rid of these wolves?” I asked
          “There’s only one thing we can do” said Earl
          “What’s that? I questioned
          “Shoot them.” Said Earl
          Earl loaded grandmothers shotgun she had laying behind the door, and now it became the waiting game. We knew sooner or later the wolves would be out so all we could do was stay safe and wait inside. I started to doze off when all of a sudden I heard “BOOM BANG BOOM.” I jumped out of my chair and ran to the door. There laid 4 big black wolves and above them was Earl with a smile on his face. We did it! Grandmother thanked Earl and welcomed him for lunch the next day. He and I were both hero’s and it felt great to help out a great friend! How could I ever think Earl was a bad guy? Never! So the next day as he approached the house for some lunch I kindly greeted him at the door with a hug. He looked at me wish the biggest smile on his face and said
          “That’s the best hug I’ve ever gotten! Thanks sweetie, now let’s eat!”
          We trotted over to the table and we all sat together, shared laughs and stories. Let’s just say things couldn't be any better! We shared a desert grandmother had made, and joked about the wolves. How silly it is, but also how frightening. 


  1. I liked how this story started with the grandmother instead of ending with her. The element of the wolf being bad was still included, relating to the original story. I also liked how the narrator was brave and wanted to prove something instead of being innocent and oblivious.

  2. The story had great detail and stayed true to the original. One thing i wasnt sure about is whether the story is modern or takes place with the original. All through out it sounds original and then you bring in the aspect of the camera. just something to take a look at. Overall good story!

  3. I really enjoyed this story and the details that went into it and the lesson that i got from it was you cant be so quick to judge someone like when the little girl saw Earl as a threat when really he was harmless

  4. Kara I really liked your story. It was very detailed and easy to read. I liked how you portrayed little red as being a strong girl. It also stayed true to the original story which I liked! Overall I thought this was a great story, good job!

  5. I agree with your readers about how effective it is to have Red as a strong young girl. Overall, I like the narrative voice, too, though I also agree with David that I'm not sure if it's modern or in an older time. What's really cool about the ending, too, is how this young woman ends up with a couple happy old people, who happen to be armed. That's a new version of Happy Ever After. Some grammar points on the hard copy.

  6. Kara I really liked your story. I agree with everyone and how it was easy to read and you added alot of detail. It was nice that you added the grandmother in the beginning as appose to the end like Abby said! Good job!!


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