Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Man's Curse

Fan Fiction of A Company of Wolves:

They are a reflection of ourselves in the wilderness. We live in large groups as a family and we fight among ourselves. Yet wolves also show loyalty and protection of others like we do. Most like to believe we are superior to other animals, but it is very obvious we are not too different, and sometimes this inner beast inside of us can take over.
 I don’t know what came over me that day, and I’ve regretted it every day since. I loved her very much and she meant everything to me. A feeling of lust overpowered love, and I betrayed the woman I loved. When she witnessed me with another woman she casted a curse on me. Until my death, if I ever feel attraction to another woman, I will transform into the wolf only to kill and eat her. Because of this, I spend the remainder of my life isolated from the rest of the world to insure this fate never happens.
I walk through the forest now with nothing to do but think about the normal life I had lost in an instant with one but terrible mistake.  It’s the only thing I can do because I cannot be near other people. If I ever desire another woman again, my inner wolf-beast will take over, leaving me with little free will and an animal’s instincts taking over. I will unconsciously devour any woman I feel attracted to. Once in a while I see a wandering girl roaming in the forest but I quickly look away in order to save her life. Usually, I spend my days just sleeping to escape and fast forward through this life I am forced to live so I can get it over with.
Today I woke up feeling more depressed than ever before. This loneliness is becoming unbearable. I cannot even remember the last time I made human contact with someone. I just wish I could be loved again and that person allow me to love them back, without me turning into a monster.  So I return back to sleep. After a long while of dreams, I’m awoken suddenly by a noise and realize the dreams aren’t a reality. I listen closer and I realize it is footsteps I hear. I looked behind the trees where I hear the walking and I’m surprised to see a beautiful young girl walking with a basket in her hand. I continue to stare at her as she walks even though in the back of my mind I’m screaming to myself to turn away, but I can’t help but stare. There’s something about her I can’t turn away from. Suddenly without thinking, I jump out into the path. She looks tense and frightened but then she smiles at me. Just that smile reminds me of what I haven’t been able to feel in years. At the same time I feel my blood start pumping and my heart racing, and I realize I’m going to start changing into my beast form as the wolf. I try to keep the thought from my mind and introduce myself to her. We begin talking and joking around with each other and instantly, I feel a connection with the girl. It’s hard to tell if it is because I haven’t talked to any living, breathing person in years or if what I feel is real. Either way I don’t care because I finally feel good. Every few minutes as we are walking I need to stop and concentrate on staying as a human being. She looks at me and asks me if I’m alright. I say yeah and instantly try to change the subject. I ask her where she is headed. She responds, “I’m going to my grandmother’s house to bring her some goodies”. I feel the energy getting stronger and I know it’s only a matter of time before I transform. I decide I need to leave before she sees who I really am and kill her in doing so. So I make a bet with her. I tell her I could make it to her grandmother’s house a half hour before she does. She asks,” how do you plan on doing that?” I say “I have a compass. So what will you give me if I get to your grandmother’s house before you do?” She responds, “with a kiss”. I agree and quickly get on my way. As I am running through the trees, the transformation begins, and I can feel the fur grow on me. My legs and arms become stronger. My body changes shape. Then my teeth become sharp. It’s hard to believe that just a matter of minutes ago I was just regular human being, and now I am a wild beast. My human mind loses control over my newly transformed body, and I just feel like I’m viewing the wolf through its own eyes.  This wolf body I am trapped in runs through the forest slaughtering animals and eating them raw. The house is in sight now and there is nothing I can do about it. Not just one, but two innocent people are going to be killed now because of me. I get to the door, and pound on it. The woman’s voice tells me to come inside. In an instant, I knock down the door, jump on the old lady, and eat her alive. All I could do is have my mind scream at the body to stop, but it doesn’t. Minutes later the young girl runs in, and she sees what I have done. She doesn’t seem too alarmed for an odd reason, but I’m wishing she would run away while she can. She must know that it is me somehow, because she doesn’t . She unexpectedly takes off her clothes. This brings up my memories of lust, when I betrayed the girl I love. Instead of attacking her, my wolf body doesn’t move at all. It just watches. She gives me the kiss that she owed. I begin to feel a change, and suddenly I’m back in control although still in the wolf body. There’s no instinct to attack anymore. She takes my head and places it on her lap. I feel a sense of freedom; something I have not felt in what feels like forever. The curse has been broken giving me a second chance.


  1. Very nice shift in perspective, Jeremy. This turns out to be an effective psychological study. I have a couple little suggestions on paragraphing, for emphasis.

  2. Good story! I like how it is similar to the original but is tod in the perspective of the wolf. The kiss of the girl to break the curse of the wolf is good too. The last paragraph could be split up and also could use a little more detail on why the girl doesnt freak out to the death of her grandmother and how the girl just ripped off her clothes. Other then that great story.


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