Monday, November 19, 2012

Do you know who is watching you?

Do you know who is watching you?

A Story Taken From: A Dairy of a Mad Man

Do you ever feel like people are watching you, that there are cameras everywhere following you around, watching your every move? Well I know that this is happening to me and I can’t stand it. I search for the cameras and the tape recorders but “they” always seem to trick me. You are probably wondering who “they” are. Well let me tell you a story.  When I was younger I was part of their group, a group of people spying on others they wanted to “make disappear” for one reason or another. Don’t bother asking me what the reasons were; I just sat in a small dark room with monitors everywhere. After a day at staring at those monitors I would report back to them and tell them my findings for the day. I was never told who they were or why they were doing what they did. Now that I think about it I never saw them in person; our conversations where usually over the phone or some sort of video chat and even then it was a different person every time.  I worked for them for about 10 years until they got a child involved. They talked about doing horrible things to this sweet, innocent baby. I could not take it any longer. I’ve watched fathers get taken from their families and many other things I can’t even say. I refused to work with people that could do such horrible things to families and children.  At the end of the day when I was supposed to have my daily conversation, I screamed and yelled and quit. About a week later I received a call saying that I was next.           
     People tend to think I am crazy for thinking all this, but I am telling you I am not.  My friends and family always tell me, “Josh you never worked for “them” you worked for a bank but you got so obsessed with the whole camera thing they fired you.” I did work at a bank but it was after I worked for “them” and I quit, they didn’t fire me. The bank I worked for was going along with “them”. I am telling you. My co-workers would walk by me laughing. I would see them all huddling in a group looking at me pointing at the security cameras we had and then pulling out their phones to listen to something. They were all probably listening to me reading my daughter a bedtime story. It made me sick. What else was I supposed to do? Stay around and work for people that were helping “them?” That was all a while ago though. I now can’t find a job that isn’t working with “them.” Every time I get a new job something happens where it makes me believe “they” are watching. Sometimes I even search for the camera but I can’t find them. They are better than I thought. My family is even becoming a part of “them.” My crazy wife left me and took my sweet daughter with her. My wife was working for “them.” This time I found the camera  in our baby’s room, looking over her crib. When I asked my wife about it all she said was, “Honey we put that there to look over Chloe.” Did she really think I would believe that bull? I explained to her as nicely as I could, “GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE.” She refused to leave Chloe here with me. She said to me “if you think the only person that puts up with you would betray you like that you do not deserve our daughter.” Now that I think about it what did she mean by “Put up with me”… And people think I am crazy!
      I stayed in my house for about a year but since I had no income I could no longer afford my home. I sold it and now currently live in my parent’s basement. I know it sounds lame, or like I am some sort of pervert, but trust me I am not. My parents are really the only ones not helping “them.” My best friend Nate even turned on me.  He never usually invites me over unless it’s some sort of party except this one day.  He asked me to come over to help him fix his T.V. I knew that this time I would finally catch “them” because they would never think I would expect my friend for years to turn on me like that. I told you they are tricky like that. As he welcomed me into his fairly new home, he could tell I was a bit jittery. He asked me what was wrong; I told him I just needed some coffee because I was up late the night before. He ran down stairs to get me a cup. This bought me some time to search the upstairs. I looked under his bed, in his closet, in all his drawers. Just then a light bulb popped into my head like in the movies, I didn’t check the light bulbs.  I unscrewed every single light bulb in sight. Breaking every single one on his night stand, I’m surprised he didn’t hear all this going on upstairs. I knew a camera was in one of those sockets or inside the light itself.  I couldn’t find anything anywhere and I knew I didn’t have much time left. The coffee was done brewing and he was pouring it in my cup. Then it came to me, it’s all in the T.V we were supposedly fixing. I found a chair and when I was about to throw it, Nate walked in and said; “What did you do to my room, GET OUT NOW.”  I was furious I didn’t get to find the camera in that T.V and show everybody that I was right and out smart “them.”  I was walking back from Nate’s house and I saw the magazine stand that is always on the corner of Main and Parkway. I scanned all the magazines and newspapers. I stopped in my footsteps. Why was I on the front page of the BEE? I paid the guy a buck and sat down on the closest bench. I slowly pulled the paper closer to my face, scared to see what it said. “WHAT” I said. The picture wasn’t of me at all it was a picture of the circus that was coming to town. I swore it was me on that front page, I knew “they” changed the picture as soon as I was about to read it or “they” switched the newspapers so fast I couldn’t even tell. I was angry, furious, and energetic so I ran back to the newspaper stand and tore every single magazine and newspaper off and demanded him to tell me who he was working for. All he did was scream for the cops. The cops grabbed me and threw me in the back of their car like I was a rag doll. I didn’t go without fighting though, I tried punching, kicking and even biting to try and get lose but damn those cops were strong. 
      I am currently in a dirty old jail cell. The cops told me that I am going to an institution in the morning. I really don’t want to go but they keep telling me I’ll be safe there and whoever is after me won’t be anymore; so I guess it is okay. 
        My name is Chloe; I am Josh’s daughter I found his dairy after we had to clean out his things from his room at the institution. I guess since he didn’t finish telling you his story, I will. After he got to the institution, he loved it for the first month. He totally forgot about the cameras and everything watching over him. Until one day, a camera fell off his bed post onto the floor in his room. He couldn’t trust anybody at the institution anymore. He would steal the knives from the kitchen and wait for a nurse to walk in and try to stab her. He said “You are one of “them”; I am going to kill you before you can take me.” After a while they just stopped coming in in general and would slide his food through a slot in the door. I guess being stuck in one room for over a year can make a sane person go crazy so imagine what it did to him. One day when they came to give him his meds, they didn’t see his hand reach over to grab them but saw a shadow in the far corner. They slowly opened the door saying his name, “Josh please don’t hurt us we are just here to help you.”  As they slowly opened the door they saw his body hanging from the ceiling holding a note. He must have been crying while writing it because it was all smeared, we could make out one sentence though and it said “I didn’t want “them” taking me away.”


  1. I really like this story Danielle. I feel like this is definitely a mind of a mad man and i also enjoyed reading this because i wanted to know what would happen next. This story relates to the movie a beautiful mind which is a really good movie, your story is very well put together with intriguing details.

  2. I agree with Kara, Danielle. This is a very effective and creepy entrance into an increasingly paranoid mind, written in the true spirit of Lu Xun's work. Some minor grammar issues.

  3. really nice story. it was really interesting and loved how you started it with a question. i also like the way it changed from thinking it was josh speaking to chloe reading her fathers diary. over all nicely well done.


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