Sunday, November 18, 2012

Hidden Powers

Fan Fiction of 'The Metamorphois'

Hidden Powers

            There were only about 5 people at this bar: a couple on one side, the bartender, someone doing dishes in the back and this businessman. The couple was pretty much entertaining themselves, and the businessman and the bartender got to talking, this was the first time they have ever met.

            “So what do you do?” said the bartender

“I am a boss at a traveling sales company; pretty much what my job consists of is making sure that my workers are out in the field and producing sales to customers. Sometimes I will go out and make a few sales myself as well. My assistant and me usually give annual grades to all our employees. And today the most unbelievable thing happened, this is going to actually get pretty crazy. You might want to sit down for this bud” said the businessman

“Alright I’m ready”

“So there are two different types of employees, you know? There is the one kind that does everything and anything they can to help whatever business they are employed for, this could be for jobs from garbage man all the way to a someone who works on Wall Street. So the first is someone who busts their ass, and the second type is someone who just slowly goes through their work, and doesn’t do any extra work, just pretty much lets the work come to them and just doesn’t assert themselves. You know what I mean?”

“Yeah I know, we have both those two types of types here, you see Pete back there doing dishes? He is definitely the second type; only problem is he is the owner’s wife’s son, so we are pretty much stuck with him here… unfortunately. But yeah I know what you mean, so where is this going?”

“Okay okay so every time we do our grading process the majority of the employees score perfects on their sales, and that are consistently great in the field. Like I mean, I even get calls about how good these employees are, the customers rave about them. But there is of coarse one that isn’t as good as the rest. It almost seems as if he doesn’t care about anything, and doesn’t care about making sales to better our business and better himself and his job. His name is Gregor; he still lives with his parents. He owes them a ton of money that he just puts off on paying them back, but that is beside the point.”

“Yeah so, doesn’t every business or company have employees that aren’t perfect workers? I mean I know it sucks and it shouldn’t be hard for them to just change what they are doing.” said the bartender

“Yes I completely agree with that, they should be able to change their ways. Okay, well let me get back to the craziness. So when my assistant and me went to do our assessment on Gregor, we thought we knew what we were going to see and get. But you always hope oh hey maybe today is going to be a good day and he is going to become a better sales person. But on this occasion it didn’t happen”

The bartender is filling up the businessman’s beer back up and is very into the story to understand what the craziness is going to be.

“So what did you see, is this where the craziness is?”

“No not yet but it is the beginning of it kind of. So we go to observe him, and it was the same shit but just a different day. Nothing changed it was like he never listens to our reviews or anything, I don’t know. I just don’t trust him at all. He makes me think there could be days he just won’t ever show up.” The businessman was ranting on and on about Gregor.

“Yeah, you want anything to eat? Or do you only want beers tonight?”

“No I am okay I just want beers to clear my mind. So after our assessment of Gregor on our way back to the office, I was going off about him, kind of like I just was but worse. I happened to say something along the lines of “He is the most useless person I have ever dealt with, he is the same as a cockroach, and he might as well be one””

“Isn’t that a natural thing to do is complain about co-workers though? I mean I know I do it all the time”

“Yeah it is, but this is the crazy part. So we did our assessment yesterday, and today Gregor did not come to work.” Said the businessman

“Did you forget a part of the story? Did you fire him?”

“No we did not fire him, we thought maybe he was running late or something, we waited until around 12:30-1:00 and he still was no where to be found.”

“So what’d you do?”

“He actually lives 3 blocks away from our office too, so I sent my assistant over to his house to see what was going on. And this is where you’ll find out what blows my mind. My assistant gets to his house and to make a long story short, Gregor is there.”

“That’s good that he’s there, you knew he was okay then. That doesn’t seem crazy?”

“Gregor was a cockroach… He was a an actual cockroach.”

There was a pause between the two men; the bartender just had a blank look on his face.

“What do you mean a cockroach? That is a bug, he changed into a cockroach?”

“Yeah, a cockroach. I don’t know how it happened, maybe some kind of spell went over him because of what I said but he is now a cockroach. When my assistant told me that Gregor was literally a cockroach I couldn’t believe it and I still don’t, but he swore on his mothers grave that Gregor was indeed a cockroach.”

“So what the hell are you going to do now?” The bartender shouted

            “I honestly do not know, but he is a traveling sales man. I cant send out a cockroach to sell my products, he didn’t get any business as it was how would he by being a cockroach?”

            “Yeah it really seems like a tough situation”

            “It is, I guess I am going to just have to let him go. It would have happened eventually anyways I guess. But like this I couldn’t believe it and cant believe it. I said he might as well be a cockroach and the next day he is a cockroach.”

            “That is by far the craziest story I have ever heard at a bar and maybe ever period. Your worst employer turned into a cockroach.”

            “Yup I know I just feel like I should have just watched what I said. Maybe I have some kind of power? Maybe I can change people into things. I should be going though, sorry to tell you this story and then abruptly get up and leave. But I need to sleep this off and try to get this off my mind. Hey maybe I have a power.” Said the businessman.

            The businessman got up and paid his bill to the bartender, at this time the couple that was on the other side of the bar was making out in the one corner and Pete, the dishwasher was no where to be found.

            The bartender laughingly states. “It’s okay I get used to it as a bartender. Yeah I guess maybe you do have that power that would be kind of cool”

            “Yeah I guess it would, here let me try it on you real quick before I go”

            “Whoa Whoa Whoa, there’s no way I am taking that chance.”

            “Okay I was just kidding anyways I wouldn’t do that to you.” The businessman says as he is up and walking out of the bar.

            The businessman gets home and goes right to sleep to try to attempt to clear his mind, and the bartender is left at the bar to work and wonder weather or not if the businessman ever did the transformation power on him in his head. 


  1. I liked the story, it took a very difficult idea to grap (Gregor being a cockroach) and made it into a bar scene, where a lot of strange stories can surface. It was interesting to be because I also used Gregor in my story, so it was interesting to see how another story can be formed from the same character.

  2. I really enjoyed reading this fan fiction. I especially like the different point of view you took, it made it very interesting. I also chose a bar scene with this story.

  3. A I read this, I felt like I was at the bar listening to this conversation. You did a great job!

  4. I really liked your story. I could actually picture your characters having that conversation at the bar. Gregor is a hard character to do a Fan Fiction on, and you did a good job.

  5. Very nice, Brian, and a really different approach to this. You write very good dialogue, and there is a brief allusion to Something To Hitch Meat To, as well. Proofread, ok?

  6. I really liked this story. Good job with details and really making the reader feel like they were in the bar listening in on the conversationg between the characters. Good job!


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