Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Red & The Wolf

Red and the Wolf
by Taisha Pagani

There once was a story, so twisted but true,
about a Nana and her grandchild & what to do.
The granddaughter always curious; always a question.
Looking for ways to learn a good lesson.
“I promise Nana, just one more story and off to bed I go,
Just make it a good one as I lay my head low,
onto the pillow so soft here with me
and you can fill my head up with sweet pleasantries”.
“Very well then my child”, replied the nana so.
“Just one more and off to bed you go.
Now let’s see, I think I’ll start with Red and the Wolf.

Once in an old village, just down below,
lived a pack of wolves & their family so.
Villagers were so scared of their bright glowing eyes,
of course not to mention those long howling cries”.
“Oh no!” gasped the granddaughter with her eyes wide open,
she sat and stared, not moving, but frozen.
“The children had been warned, that wolves were slick n sly,
could appear at your door as a human and tell you a lie.
Then of course you’d let him in and please think the worst
we’ll be peddling down the road, followed by a horse-pulled hearse.
Nonetheless, there was a young girl in the village, sweet at sixteen,
whose lips were red as berries, and she was yet to be redeemed.
She was quite adventurous, with slighted, if any care,
as she traveled to her sister’s, at dusk, on a dare”.

“Red!! Now you know it’s too late to travel thru the forest, another day dear,
for who knows what’s lurking in the dark, close and near.
But Red didn’t listen and off she went,
grabbing her basket of goodies and her pocket knife so,
Bundled up in her red cloak, “Off I go!!”
As Red approached the forest and the branches crackled under her feet,
she hesitated slightly, hoping nothing scary to greet.

As Red’s cloak skipped through the white sand,
indeed she found herself in trouble she did land.
For as the wolf’s snarl and glare came her way,
she fell to her knees and begin to pray.

“Why, foolish girl!! Why do you pray?!” sneered the beast.
“For my lord to keep my soul as you divulge in your feast.
The wolf whimpered, defeated, laid in the snow,
He whispered, “I won’t kill you, I’ll let you go,
Under one condition and you will be the hero and keep your village free,
If you come back to the castle and fall in love with me.
“Oh no!! Nana!! That doesn’t sound smart,
Why’d he’ll tear her to pieces and rip her apart!!”
“Ah child, relax by the fire, this tale won’t be gory
Just be patient and wait for the story.
For it won’t be long as the wolf said this:
“Now please, I beg of you, just one sweet kiss.
The village shall no longer live in fear
I will even offer protection afar and near.
Come with me at once and let me love you
As you should love me and then to transform
me into what I should be.
I’ll make you the happiest the rest of your days,
Just come with me Red, please don’t pull away.”
And in a trance she followed him down the hill, further, further down
To where she couldn’t hear the villagers no more, not even a sound.
No one ever heard from Red again, although a red cloak was found.
Dirty and bloody, shredded on the ground.
The villagers imagine and tell tales about Red’s danger
And what the consequences are, when you talk to strangers.

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